Tuesday 25 November 2014



Now I generally don't publish my sketches online. But, as many people have been asking me to do so, I will post only one of my scripts that I have written. For, those of you who do not know what a sketch is - it is an aggressive comical take on anything, but it is mostly a script for a video. 

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Jay Bandabuddhe, senior manager at Pineapple
Today, we are proud at Pineapple corp., to present you Pineapple 27s, the upgraded version of the very popular Pineapple 27.
The brilliant phone absolutely has no new features whatsoever, expect for well it’s very large 27-inch screen which has made it the best smartphone ever. It is so big that Levi’s has collaborated with Pineapple to make special pockets in their jeans merchandise just to keep you P-Phone safe. Meanwhile, handling this corpulent phone is still an issue we need to address
Steve Woznik the fifth, electronic expert for Pineapple.Inc
The features of P-Phone 27 are absolutely the same as that of 23rd, which is a direct rip-off from a Korean company “G-sung”. Of course, everyone knows this, but that’s what makes our product even more special. False advertising.
The only added features to it are – Siri version 11, which the same as Siri version 2, expect with the increase in the suffix numerical. Another feature is the P-Think, which is an app that automatically uploads pictures to your Facebook account as soon as you think about it. I am definitely not installing that.
The price has not been revealed yet, but our team is estimating it to be around meager 1.9 lakhs. Not at all expensive. The phone is so cheap that you would literally have to sell yourself to buy it. A very rejuvenating experience if you ask me. The phone will be out in a couple of weeks and it would be launched in India in a couple of years. Just to build the suspense and thrill of it.

Raj Koothrapaully, Caltech Geek
This is better cause even if I don’t buy the phone. I can use the excess space in my pants to store everything else – my girlfriend, food, accessories, wooden planks, everything

Gullian Jobless, Ceo at Pineapple Inc.
I know after Steve died we literally rode his “aftermath wave” and we are right at the bottom of the market. But, this is going to be a very good year for us here at Pineapple. We are hoping that our customers would come back because P-phone is just getting bigger now.
We don’t have any new innovation because we absolutely have no clue how to do it. But, we are still surviving because we are still suing “G-sung” for copying our designs five years back.
So, P-phone would give a very tough competition to well other “P-phones”. We are going to be big now, more so than ever.

−−APPLE−−: PINE APPLE – because we are assholes