Monday 10 February 2014

What does "Hindusim" do to your subconcious

The most complex, paradoxical, illogical, influencing invention ever known to existence, by mankind is – religion. Throughout the world, many people believe in one religion or the other. When asked to bluntly tell the essence of their religion, they shrug their shoulders and simply tell it’s a way of life.

Recently, many of my friends started “converting” their belief systems – from being a Theist to an Atheist. I, being my usual curious self, asked them as to why they made such a decision and found an answer which is very mundane.
Often so, these people masquerade saying that they are scientifically equipped to disbelieve the whole concept, but in fact, they do turn to Atheism because some of their inner “appeals” to their respective Gods have – well let’s just say were not fulfilled. Vexed by the system, they tend to disbelieve “God” or their version of it.
It seemed to me quite imploring, all this. I personally, am an Agnostician – I know not what God is, but I am damn well know religion is flawed. Unlike my peers, I did not make a rash decision or even follow the hip trend; more so, I scrutinized my own religion carefully and over a period of time came to some very surprising conclusions (Please bear with me).

What is more ironical is the conclusive preaching evident in most religions.

Religion actually convinced man that there is a white bearded dude, up in the sky, who watches everything. He is so jobless that he tabulates every organism (he so painstakingly created) and makes a list of all his “good children” and “bad children”. (Evidently, we are his children and he would make a very biased parent, who needs to see child services)