Monday 10 February 2014

What does "Hindusim" do to your subconcious

The most complex, paradoxical, illogical, influencing invention ever known to existence, by mankind is – religion. Throughout the world, many people believe in one religion or the other. When asked to bluntly tell the essence of their religion, they shrug their shoulders and simply tell it’s a way of life.

Recently, many of my friends started “converting” their belief systems – from being a Theist to an Atheist. I, being my usual curious self, asked them as to why they made such a decision and found an answer which is very mundane.
Often so, these people masquerade saying that they are scientifically equipped to disbelieve the whole concept, but in fact, they do turn to Atheism because some of their inner “appeals” to their respective Gods have – well let’s just say were not fulfilled. Vexed by the system, they tend to disbelieve “God” or their version of it.
It seemed to me quite imploring, all this. I personally, am an Agnostician – I know not what God is, but I am damn well know religion is flawed. Unlike my peers, I did not make a rash decision or even follow the hip trend; more so, I scrutinized my own religion carefully and over a period of time came to some very surprising conclusions (Please bear with me).

What is more ironical is the conclusive preaching evident in most religions.

Religion actually convinced man that there is a white bearded dude, up in the sky, who watches everything. He is so jobless that he tabulates every organism (he so painstakingly created) and makes a list of all his “good children” and “bad children”. (Evidently, we are his children and he would make a very biased parent, who needs to see child services)

He then favors his “good children” by sending them to a quasi-static space-time continuum called “heaven” where all of them remain happily ever after (Yea!! A brilliant fairy tale ending). He awards all his “bad children” by sending them to a place full of burn, broth, boil and heat; where he sentences them to live there forever and ever till the end of time. BUTTTTTTT…………………

 He loves you……..

There are many religions in the world, all think that they are making radically different claims, but are essentially the same. If one religion is right then others are wrong. It follows that all religions, bar the one that is the reflection of true nature of God, are in the business of concealing that they are false. As a matter of simple logic, anyone who supports one religion must accept that either they are being deceived or all the others who support other religions are being deceived (Fundamentally speaking, religion itself is based on self-deceit)
No religion commands more than 17 % of allegiance in the world. Therefore mathematically, no matter what religion you are from, you can damn well know that you belong to a small minority, as compared to the overwhelming majority that disagree with you and consider that you are being deceived or worse, you are deceiving yourself.

Religion on this planet is primarily based about leis, delusion, self-deception and control. To put it in another way- religion in general, is Satanic. Its very purpose is to lead people astray, to create conflict and division. The bloody history of the world proves that conclusively.

Now that we are clear on the religion part, let’s look closely to what “Hinduism” does to your subconscious. But before that you need to understand the main propaganda of Hinduism. To sum up we have:-

  •         God exists outside of space and time and is in perfect oneness
  •         Using Maya – the power of illusion – God created an illusionary world of space and time in which the condition of oneness is replaced by the condition of many-ness. The universe of Maya is akin to God in a dream state where he imagines himself split up into infinitely many parts (Talk about being self-centered)
  •         God when viewing himself in the mirror of Maya doesn’t recognize himself as everything is distorted in space and time, concealing the true underlying oneness. He is then overwhelmed by this vision of multiplicity. ( Oh yea!! Even God is bad at Math)
  •         Psychologically, God has become fragmented because of Maya and seeks to be whole again.( truly man, make up your freaking mind)
  •         In the universe of Maya, God’s single soul is fragmented into a vast number of separate souls that lost all sense of their proper relationship with each other
  •         These individual souls are in state of complete ignorance about their true origins. They start to identify with their Mayic “Ego”, which reveals in separation, difference, self-love and selfishness. They must overcome this to release their true-self. Their true-self is called “Atman”.
  •         Though, a series of painful lessons brought about by a process called “Karma”, each of these souls will endure a hellish cycle known as “Samsara” of birth, re-birth and death, until they release their true-self and are able to see beyond the veil of Maya. This realization is called “Moksha”.
  •         When every soul attains “Moksha”, God is whole again and this process repeats itself. (As, “God” tends to get all bored again)

Thus, Hinduism can be best thought as a process created by God, to ensure he is forever perfecting himself, always getting closer to his ideal self. If you believe in Hinduism, to relate to all the points mentioned above and subconsciously accept it, even the concept of “Karma”.

The eastern school of philosophy permanently is blighted by the satanic concept of “Karma”. In the west, slave trade was predominant in early 17th and late 18th century, in one form or other. The trade was in existence because of the ruthless ruling class who had become greedy. But according to karma, they are simply receiving an overdue of their misdeeds in their past lives. Imagine telling that to any of your African-American friends. It would be an outrage.

Slaves are victims of brutal oppression, not authors of their own misfortune via wrong-doings in past lives. The nauseating caste system which is integrated in the society is merely a “sociological” result of this belief. This is an inevitable product which is prevalent even today in Indian politics and mentality.

As soon as the idea exists that misdeeds of the past determine someone’s status in present time then it becomes all too easy to conclude that anyone suffering from any sort of misfortune in their lives deserves it.
Jews deserved gassing in extermination camps, all people who died in genocides were merely getting their paycheck from their “past selves”, cancer victims deserve cancer and so on.

This is an unpardonable Satanic ideology that encourages mistreatment of people and promotes injustice, inequality and bigotry, finally reducing some humans – as “untouchables” – to a status fit only to clean toilets, eat rates and drink yak’s piss.

This thought process is imbibed in most Hindu’s (Frankly, not just Hindu’s but most Indians) which is unfortunately prevalent even today in the younger generation (don’t believe me – look all the influx of people wanting to be part of IIT’s and IIM’s). Subconsciously, they are inspired by this exclusiveness which is in turn, creating a wide divide between people.  This is probably is the biggest setback with the Indian society and if not overcome, will truly grow into a big discriminating social scenario.


  1. "When every soul attains “Moksha”, God is whole again and this process repeats itself. (As, “God” tends to get all bored again)" <- nice!

  2. Well written. Exactly what I feel too! :D

  3. Good work shyam.ending is awesome ..i realized i am an agnostic after reading your blog ..
